
Sep 28, 2024


I believe that every positive thing I do benefits me as well as whomever I am helping. We all receive what we give to others, so I choose to be kind, helpful, and supportive.I enjoy doing things for others. It enriches my life and allows me to feel good about myself. When I am kind to others, I benefit, too. I am also more likely to receive kindness when I am willing to show it.

I live my life with the belief that it is important to treat others the way I wish to be treated. It is unreasonable to expect others to treat me in a way other than the way I treat them.

I am generous with my time, attention, and money. However, I avoid allowing my generosity to make my own life more complicated. I can do more for others when my own life is stable and I am in control.

I find that I am happier and more fulfilled when I make life easier for others. I regularly ask myself what I can do for someone else.

Today, I know that my life is fuller and richer when I help others. I am focused on the needs of those around me. When I help someone else, I also receive the benefits.

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. When have I benefited by helping someone else first?
  2. How do I feel when I make life better for someone?
  3. In what positive ways could my life change if I did more for others?