
Sep 30, 2024

Learning How to Have the Courage to Live LIfe Uncaged!

Learning How to Have the Courage to Live LIfe Uncaged!

Having the courage to be original really means being brave enough to be yourself. Certainly this can seem exhausting and scary as hell, because to really live as you are means opening yourself up to the judgement of others. Usually, we hide ourselves from others to some extent to feel safe, why. because that is what we have been taught to do from a young age.

Each of us is uniquely valuable in our own right. So why hide the truth of who you are?

Imagine what it might be like if everyone truly knew you, inside and out, what wonderful things you’re capable of, and how fully human you are, just like them.

What if you shared your truths and journey without worrying what anyone else though?  How freeing would that be!  Ask yourself for a minute why are we all here?  IF we are not meant to share our story and truths why are we all made uniquely different?  We are made different for all different reasons, lessons, truths, and journeys!  We should be ok with sharing that with others.

There can be a great, false comfort in conforming and keeping your head down. Walking through life as you are told to and doing only what others expect you to do.  Be a good kiddo, go to school and church, graduate, head to college, get a job, then married, buy a home and have kids. This is the story of our lives.  But you sacrifice ever knowing your true potential. And you risk boredom; when the path is fully laid out for you, there's no adventure and no true YOU.

Living an uncaged life takes some courage for sure, but the rewards far surpass the hiding your inner self.

Being YOURSELF has a lot of perks:

  1. More Fulfilment and a Happier YOU. Life has more meaning when it's 100% authentic. When it is on your terms and what your soul craves there is not doubt you will be more fulfilled and much happier.
  2. Increased Friendships/More Interesting. People will find you more interesting and pay attention to you more. Authentic people are attractive to pretty much everyone.  I think this is true because it is so rare yet inviting.  Others watch you be uniquely you and it inspires them to want to do the same.
  3. Risk Taker and Creativity Ramped Up. Your life will have more depth and you'll experience more success in every part of your life. Your juices of inspiration, truth and excitement will start flowing – ideas will pop up and you’ll feel the power to take action.
  4. Opportunity. By living your life uncaged with courage to be fully YOU, you stand a chance to change the world. And regardless of what you do, you'll surely be remembered. Only unique people do great things. Average people do average things. Live the uncaged life you have been called to live and help expand others minds to do the same!

Try these ideas to start living your life uncaged with courage:

  1. Be aware of who you are inside. This may take some thought and time, especially if you spend all day working and all night watching television. Regularly spend quiet time with yourself. (I like to meditate). Get to know yourself, all the ins and outs of who you are, what you stand for, and what you want in life.
  2. Express yourself openly and with truth. Give your opinions without judging yourself, especially when you're asked for them. Let people know what you think without being unkind. Allow yourself to have your own style, whether it's your taste in music, your profession, or just what to wear today.
  3. Avoid worrying about others' opinions. The big secret is that they're probably worried about what you think of them. Chances are good that nobody is spending much time thinking about any of us. And there's nothing more attractive to others than someone that moves through the world confidently and with compete knowing of who they are.
  • Just be yourself and let the chips fall where they may. You'll be surprised how easy it is once you try it.
  • Consider famous people like Tony Robbins, Albert Einstein, Mel Gibson, and others. Do you know of another person who is anything like any of them? They’re originals.

People who conform can never really stand out unless they're in extraordinary circumstances. Maybe you're not the next Tony Robbins, but how will you ever know if you decide to keep living the life you have been condition to live rather then stepping out of the cage and having the courage to live your TRUE PURPOSE?

Being original and living your life uncaged is about having the courage to be yourself and letting the world know who you are. This isn't always easy, you will have people that admire you and mock you but it's necessary to truly experience the depth of your life.

Have the courage to be unique you and live your life uncaged! You'll live in an intensely fulfilled life and and you'll be remembered long after you're gone.

XO- Kjersten